Matcha, Ghee and Chia- meet two recipes out of these products

Hey everybody,

Today I will present you two products I got and get you some ideas what to do out of it.

First product is Matcha! Everyone knows Matcha these days, it’s a japanese green tea and it comes as a very fine powder. Matcha is rich in antioxydants, helps you to concentrate (I always drink Matcha when studying), prevents diseases, and much more!

I got Matcha tea from Alnatura, that you can provide in all Cactus shops and instead of just presenting you a normal cup of tea, I share with you my favorite power drink, a sort of Golden latte plus:)


Here’s my recipe:

300 ml Oatmilk

1 tbs of fresh Turmeric

2 tbs of Cinnamon

1 tbs of Matcha

A bit of pepper

How to prepare:

It’s really easy, promised: Just let cook all ingredients for 1 minute, then enjoy your wonderful, powerful Golden latte plus!

Second product I will present to you are Chia seeds. Chia seeds are known as a superfood, their benefits are for example that they are full of antioxidants, they are high in qualty protein (so perfect for vegans) and they can help to lower your risks of heart diseases. I personally prefer flaxseeds as they are regional (so better for our ecological footprint) but chia seeds are really diverse, as you can do chia pudding for example. I share with you my personal breakfast power bomb that can meet your whole creativity:)


What you may need:


Soy yogurt

Chia seeds (or flaxseeds) and hemp seeds

Some frozen fruits (best if you prepare at evening as I do)

a bit rice syrup to sweeten

a lot of creativity:)

How to prepare:

In a glass you mix the oats with soy yogurt, add a bit rice syrup. Then be creativ, I always but chia (or flax) seeds together with hemp seeds, then fill up with frozen berries,…. Banana is same a perfect ingredient:) You can prepare your glass at evening, so no stress in the morning:)


Last product is ghee. Ghee is clarified butter and mostly used in indian cuisine, so feel free to try out any of my indian recipes with ghee. Ghee is lactose free, is told to be good for your bones and helps to lose weight as it’s richer than simple butter or oil.


If you have any questions about these products, feel free to contact me.

A big Thank You to Cactus for providing these wonderful, healthy products!

Bon appétit!


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